The Rise of YgoHustle, Life Lessons, Dreaming Big, and What to Expect From Us Going Forward

The Rise of YgoHustle, Life Lessons, Dreaming Big, and What to Expect From Us Going Forward

 YgoHustle is proud to unveil our very first blog post, and the first of more to come. Now that the release of the YgoHustle site is a few months behind us, it’s a great time to share what we’re all about, what it took to get to where we are now, and our future plans going forward because this is just the beginning. The focus of this blog post is to reveal our values, our mission, and what we want to achieve as a hobby store.

I’m not going to lie, when I first started getting into the game of Yugioh and eventually collecting/selling cards casually on ebay, I never thought it would turn into such a big part of my life but here we are.

I was super excited to release this website because it was something I never thought I would be able to accomplish. Many things had to be learned on the fly starting from scratch while having zero experience with website development. The thought of it seemed daunting at the time, and the fear of creating a site which could completely flop after all the time that was invested to bring it to reality was definitely at the forefront of my mind.

However, when you really love and enjoy something or find something that gives you purpose, everything tends to fall into place and goals become clearer. Working hard and having goals is great but without passion for what you are doing, those goals feel aimless and working hard feels like a chore. The best advice I can give to anyone is to do something not because you are forced to, not because of the money or fame it may bestow on you, and definitely not because of any outside influence, but because you want to do it. You want to do it because you feel passionate about and truly resonate with it, whatever it may be.

To reiterate the point about money and fame, different people have different financial situations and therefore money may be more important to some vs. others. However, the point I want to stress about money is that yes having money is great and important but having the mindset of chasing money or fame is just going to cause added stress and pressure resulting in a lack of enjoyment for something that may previously have given a sense of fulfillment and happiness. The money will come if you truly enjoy what you are doing and work hard day by day to make it happen, and this is why the name YgoHustle was chosen and represents us.

At YgoHustle we’re not about getting rich quick or chasing money. The hustle is something we do because we enjoy what we do and want to create something which benefits the community and leaves a meaningful imprint in addition to spreading positivity whenever we can. We’re trying to build a brand around integrity, transparency, and altruism. These are things that are somewhat lacking in the Yugioh community, and we hope to change that stigma as much as we can.

One core value we strongly believe in is helping out the little guy. By that I mean the new businesses, social media accounts, or people who are starting something new with a lot of potential who just need exposure. Many times, people tend to suck up to famous individuals/accounts/businesses to grow faster, or the “famous” individuals/accounts hype each other up so that they may gain even more traction and make it harder for new people entering the scene to establish themselves in the community. However, we all forget that at one point we were all at a stage where we knew nothing and were starting from scratch to build something and that takes a lot of effort. In terms of trading card games in general we want to help the individuals starting out as we once did as well as expose new individuals to the game and make it easier for them so they can have a more enjoyable experience because that is how communities grow stronger.

YgoHustle was created as a site intended to help people find cards for less which were tough to find elsewhere or were extremely inflated in places such as Ebay, TCGPlayer, or other hobby shops online/in person.

However, while that is our main goal there is so much more that we want to accomplish. We want to create something that lasts as mentioned above and we’re going to do this starting with various informative articles/blog posts which help people understand the game of Yugioh

Yugioh is a very complex game and can be extremely off putting for many new players trying to enter the game so we will do our best to make the transition easier by creating these informative articles. These can be articles related to Yugioh investing, which sets are good, how to find the value of cards, tips for beginners getting into the game, and so much more. You can expect these informative blogs every so often.

In addition, we will be implementing rewards for repeat buyers who spend their hard-earned money to buy from us. We want to acknowledge all the great individuals who are helping us grow and we will be giving limited edition rewards which are unique to our store and cannot be found elsewhere.

Furthermore, we will be introducing the game of Pokemon to the website. While the store is mainly focused on Yugioh, many pokemon singles will also be available for sale.

This is just the start of many great things to come and right now we’re only scratching the surface of what we hope to become. Thank you to everyone for your continued support!

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